(313) 794-2800
Resuming In-Person Services
We are adjusting our services, and building operations to comply with the Centers for Disease Control’s guiding principles for hand cleaning, minimizing contact, and maintaining safe social distancing. Beginning July 11, expect to see, and observe the guidelines outlined below in effect,
In-Person Services Guidelines
Upon Entering the Building
Temperatures will be taken at the front entrance prior to entry to the sanctuary
Attendees will be asked for name, and phone number for contact-tracing (if necessary)
Hand sanitizing stations will be provided at the building entrance
Masks will be required while in the building; please plan to bring your own
While in the Building
Signage for doors, foot traffic, and chairs will be posted (please observe, and follow)
Seating in the sanctuary has been re-arranged for individual, family and group seating
In the restrooms- Touch-free soap, water, paper towel dispensers will be used
The water fountain will be turned off
The south building and kitchen areas will be closed
During, and at the Conclusion of Service
Offertory- Online giving is encouraged using the established methods; a drop box will be provided as there will not be a formal collection of tithes and offerings (i.e., the collection plates will not be used)
There will not be a love circle at the conclusion of service
Please exit the building expeditiously at the conclusion of service
Thank You
If you will have youth attending Sunday school, please email info@godlandunity.com so we can have adequate resources in place.
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we transition back to in-person Sunday services. Online broadcast of Sunday services will continue at 11 AM on YouTube.